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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Neurosciences (M.Sc)

The programs at the GSN provide basic and individual teaching concepts for master students with an educational background in neurosciences but also from other related fields such as life sciences, math, physics, computational sciences, engineering and also philosophy (which is unique in the field of neuroscience degree programs).

Under the umbrella of the Munich Center of Neurosciences – Brain & Mind (MCN), the  Graduate School of Systemic Neuroscience (GSN) coordinates with a network of research groups to provide a stimulating environment for novel formulation of ideas and development of new concepts.

Der Studiengang in der Übersicht

Abschluss Master of Science
Inhalt Systemische Neurowissenschaften, Molekulare und zelluläre Neurowissenschaften, Computational Neuroscience und Neurophilosophie
Dauer 6 Semester
Bewerbung Keine Zulassungsbeschränkung – aber Eignungsprüfung
Studienberatung mail: master-neurosci@lmu.de
Stand: 11/2018

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