Leserbilder Astronomie: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks in planetary conjunction
Farewelling the northern hemisphere skies, barely above the evening horizon, comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was part of a beautiful planetary conjunction on April 10, 2024, alongside Jupiter, Uranus, and the two-day-old waxing crescent Moon saturating with its light the long exposure required to reveal the structural details of the comet's tail.
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Ayora, Valencia, Spain |
Zeitpunkt | 10.04.2024 19:57 UT |
Kamera | Canon 6D |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Samyang 135 mm f/2.0 |
Montierung | Meade LXD-75 |
Belichtungszeit | 19 min. (62 x 18 sec. ISO 400) |
Nachbearbeitung | Nebulb |
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