Leserbilder Astronomie: Comet 2I/Borisov and galaxy NGC 2903
The interstellar comet 2I/Borisov imaged on October 4, 2019 just when passed to an angular distance of only 15 arcminutes from barred spiral galaxy NGC 2903 in constellation Leo. One month after being discovered the brightness of the comet keeps around magnitude 17 and with a small tail, although is not perceived in this image beacuse its short exposure time.
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Auberry, USA |
Zeitpunkt | 04.10.2019 12:44 UT |
Kamera | FLI PL09000 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Planewave 24" CDK |
Belichtungszeit | 7 min. total exposure |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight |
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