Leserbilder Astronomie: Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko imaged on January 8, 2022, with a brightness in magnitude 9 continued showing a fantastic sight through photography, registering two tails: a short one to antisunward direction and another narrow and long (more than a degree in this image and getting out of field) to antiorbital direction.
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Valencia, Spain |
Zeitpunkt | 08.01.2022 03:00 UT |
Kamera | Atik 383L+ |
Teleskop/Objektiv | GSO 8" N f/3.6 |
Belichtungszeit | 41 min. (L = 16 x 120 bin1 + RGB = 3 x 60 bin2) |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight |
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