Leserbilder Astronomie: Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS)
My first color image of comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) taked on March 12th, 2022, located on the Milky Way starry background in the area between Aquila and Ophiuchus. Its coma is faint with an angular size of 1.5' and a false nucleus that shows an emission zone towards the front. The comet has a dust tail extending to the anti-orbital direction with an angular length of 3.5'.
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Mayhill, USA |
Zeitpunkt | 12.03.2022 11:50 UT |
Kamera | FLI PL6303E |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Planewave 17" CDK f/4.5 |
Belichtungszeit | 15 min. (L=4x180 bin1 + RGB=1x60 bin2) |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight |
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