Leserbilder Astronomie: Elliptical galaxy Messier 105
M 105 elliptical galaxy, also known as NGC 3379, in the constellation of Leo.
Distance: about 32 million light years.
Technical data:
Suburban sky
Bortle value scale 5
AZEQ6 mount
Optolong L-Pro 2" filter
C11 telescope native focal length 2826mm, f10
Skywatcher 70/500 f7.1 guide telescope
Acquisition ASI 2600 MC Pro -15°, gain100
ASI 120 MM mini guidance camera
Celestron anti-condensation ring
Image data:
Integration 4h 15′
Light 51×300″
31Darks, 31Flats, 31Darksflats
Stacking AstroPixelProcessor
Pix Insight + Astropanel
Photoshop + RC Astro
Location: Margine Rosso
Quartu, Sardinia, Italy
Daten zum Bild
Objekt | Messier 105 |
Ort | Cagliari |
Zeitpunkt | 14.02.2024 19:30 |
Kamera | ASI 2600 MC Pro -15°, gain100 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | C11 telescope native focal length 2826mm, f10 |
Montierung | AZEQ6 mount |
Belichtungszeit | Integration 4h 15′ |
Nachbearbeitung | Stacking AstroPixelProcessor Pix Insight + Astropanel Photoshop + RC Astro |
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