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Leserbilder Astronomie: Flaming star, Tadpole and Spider nebulae

In the constellation Auriga we find these three wonderful nebulae: on the right stands out the diffuse nebula IC 405 called Flaming star, in the lower center IC 410 called Tadpoles due to the 2 central filaments and finally at the top left the small IC 417 Spider nebula.

Askar Fra500 F3.85 (346 mm)
ZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC + iOptron GEM45
ZWO AsiAir Plus

dec 2024
Optolong L-Ultimate (Ha-O3) 3nm: 118X600”
Altair Dual Band (SII-O3) 6 nm: 54X600”
UvIr cut (colore stelle): 80X30”

Tot: 29h 20’

Modena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy

Daten zum Bild

ObjektIC 405 IC 410 IC 417
OrtModena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
Zeitpunkt 21.12.2024 03:00 MEZ
KameraZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC
Teleskop/Objektiv Askar Fra500 F3.85 (346 mm)
Montierung iOptron GEM45
Belichtungszeitdec 2024 Optolong L-Ultimate (Ha-O3) 3nm: 118X600” Altair Dual Band (SII-O3) 6 nm: 54X600” UvIr cut (colore stelle): 80X30” Tot: 29h 20’
NachbearbeitungAPP, PI, PS
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