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Leserbilder Astronomie: Full moon behind the »Isola delle corrrenti« lighthouse

This image taken on July 21, 2024. The Isola delle Correnti lighthouse is located in the southernmost part of Sicily. On July 21, 2024, positioning myself about 10 kilometers away, exactly at the beach of Punta Cirica (Ispica), I took a picture of the full moon behind the lighthouse, as it rose from the horizon. The great distance from the lighthouse and the use of the 600mm telephoto lens contributed to obtaining this surreal scene where the lighthouse seems immersed in the large lunar disk.

I shot with a Nikon Z6 II and a Tamron 150-600 G2
These are the shooting data: ISO 6400 - f/6.3 - 1/8" - 600mm
Processing with Photoshop

Daten zum Bild

ObjektFull moon behind the "Isola delle corrrenti" lighthouse
OrtPunta Cirica (Ispica) - Sicilia
Zeitpunkt 21.07.2024 20:50 MEZ
KameraNikon Z6 II
Teleskop/Objektiv Lens: Tamron 150-600 G2
Montierung tripod
Belichtungszeit1/8"- ISO 6400 - f/6.3
NachbearbeitungPhotoshop CC 2024
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