Leserbilder Astronomie: Green flash on sunspot
Green flash can also be observed on the lower edges of large sunspots as these are much darker than the Sun. In these cases one should not consider the green ray on the lower part of the spot, but on the upper part of the Sun below the spot. On the evening of July 12 2023 I tried to take the green ray on the large sunspot and I succeeded. From Viterbo, Italy. Here are the shooting data: Nikon Z9 in APS-C mode with Nikon Z 400/4.5 plus 2X doubler (equivalent focal length of 1200mm) and exposure times of 1/8,000 f/14 80Iso
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Civitavecchia |
Zeitpunkt | |
Kamera | Nikon Z9 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Nikon Z 400/4.5 |
Belichtungszeit | 1/8000 s |
Nachbearbeitung | Photoshop |
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