Leserbilder Astronomie: IC1396 - Elephant trunk
This is my very personal bicolor HOO version of the beautiful nebula commonly called Elephant's Trunk. It is a particular dark nebula, also known as vBN 142, located in the larger IC 1396 region. This last notation identifies a very large open cluster which is associated with a vast diffuse nebula, visible in the constellation Cepheus. IC 1396 is about 3000 light-years from the Sun and is located in a stretch of the Milky Way partially obscured by dense banks of dark nebulae, in a galactic region rich in dust and neutral gas with associated young stars.
Daten zum Bild
Objekt | IC1396 - Elephant trunk |
Ort | Siracusa |
Zeitpunkt | 16.06.2021 00:30 |
Kamera | ZWO ASI1600M Pro |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Tecnosky 72APO 72/432mm f/6 |
Montierung | iOptron CEM 25p |
Belichtungszeit | 36 x 300s OIII, Gain 200, Offset 70 and 16 x 600s H-alpha, Gain 140, Offset 50 |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight, Photoshop CC 2021 |
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