Leserbilder Astronomie: Into the Eagle
Located in the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way, the Eagle Nebula (also known as M16 and as NGC 6611) is a young open cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens, discovered by Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux in 1745–1746. This close-up view of the area contains two of the most iconic images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope: the »Pillars of Creation« (in the middle of the image) and the »Stellar Spire« (to the left of the image). The Eagle nebula is located around 7000 light years away from earth and can be spotted with a small telescope.
Filters: Astrodon HSO Filters (3 nm)
Date: March-September 2021
Data acquired via Telescope Live
Daten zum Bild
soumyadeepmukherjeephotos@gmail.com | |
Objekt | Eagle Nebula |
Messier-Nr | M16, Pillars of Creation, Stellar Spire |
Ort | Kolkata, Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile |
Zeitpunkt | 22.09.2021 00:00 MESZ |
Kamera | FLI PL 9000 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Planewave CDK 24 |
Montierung | Mathis MI-1000/1250 |
Belichtungszeit | 10h 20m, H: 22 × 600 s, S: 20 × 600 s, O: 20 × 600 s |
Nachbearbeitung | Deepskystacker (DSS), Pixinsight |
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