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Leserbilder Astronomie: KjPN8 (PNG112.5-00.1)

KjPN8 (PNG112.5-00.1) is a rare, unusual and extremely weak bipolar planetary nebula in the constellation Cassiopea. KjPn 8 represents the first case where two distinct and consecutive planetary nebulae-like events have been detected simultaneously, probably originating from a binary core evolution with components of very similar mass and thus evolving nearly in parallel. These characteristics indicate that KjPn 8 may be a rare object in our galaxy and the first ever detected of this class.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektKjPN8 (PNG112.5-00.1)
OrtModena (Sqm 18.3-18.9 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
Zeitpunkt 15.10.2023 22:00 MEZ
KameraZWO ASI 533MC Pro
Teleskop/Objektiv C8 HD Edge F7,3 (1472 mm)
Montierung iOptron GEM45
BelichtungszeitOct 2023 SVBony SV220: 141 x 600 s Tot: 23h 30m
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