Leserbilder Astronomie: Komet C/2020 R4 ATLAS
Comet C/2020 R4 (ATLAS) on March 27, 2021, my first image of this comet after eleven failed attempts due to the storms hit Australia in March. Currently at magnitude 9 it could reach magnitude 8 by the end of April. The image shows a gasy coma of 6 arcminutes in angular size (275,000 km) with an intense green color indicating a C2 strong emission, with a sharp central condensation and an ionic tail of 5 arcminutes. The field is about 1 square degree centered in the south of the constellation Aquila.
Daten zum Bild
Ort | Siding Spring, Australia |
Zeitpunkt | 27.03.2021 19:01 UT |
Kamera | FLI PL09000 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Planewave 20" CDK f/4.4 |
Belichtungszeit | 6 min. (L=1x180 bin1 + RGB=1x60 bin2) |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight |
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