Leserbilder Astronomie: Lunar Impact
Lunar Impact during the Eclipse 2019/01/21, 12"-Fotonewton, f = 1163 mm with ASA 2korr Reducer, Sony A7s Camera. Maximum of 50 images with 10 s distance and 1 s exposure at ISO 400, Phase Correlation using Batch FFTRegistration in Pixinsight.
For timelapse video see: https://youtu.be/ZwKdLZJxDVc
Daten zum Bild
schraebler@gmx.de | |
Objekt | Mond |
Ort | Karben |
Zeitpunkt | 21.01.2019 04:41 UT |
Kamera | A7s |
Teleskop/Objektiv | 12" ONTC Fotonewton, ASA 2korr Reducer, feff=1163mm |
Montierung | G53F + Tripod |
Belichtungszeit | 50 x 1 s, ISO 400 |
Nachbearbeitung | Pixinsight Batch FFTreg, Wavelet+LHE sharpening, Masked-Stretch, S-Curves in CIELAB a&b, Exponential-Transform, Maximum of 50 identically preprocessed images using ProcessContainer and ImageContainer |
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