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Leserbilder Astronomie: M31, the gorgeous and wonderful Andromeda galaxy

Since I started doing astrophotography, this is my first attempt ever at imaging this beatiful and iconic galaxy. This image is the result of a 2 panels mosaic, the first time ever I experiment this technique.

ZWO FF107 F4.8 (528 mm)
ZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC + iOptron GEM45
ZWO AsiAir Plus
sep-oct 2024
Optolong LQEF: 487X120” tot: 16h07’
Optolong Ultimate: 106X600” tot: 17h40’
Tot: 33h 54’
Modena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy

Daten zum Bild

OrtModena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
Zeitpunkt 01.10.2024 23:00 MEZ
KameraZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC
Teleskop/Objektiv ZWO FF107 F4.8 (528 mm)
Montierung iOptron GEM45
BelichtungszeitOptolong LQEF: 487X120” tot: 16h07’ Optolong Ultimate: 106X600” tot: 17h40’ Tot: 33h 54’
NachbearbeitungAPP + PI + PS
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