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Leserbilder Astronomie: Moon, Jupiter, Venus and The KISS

Moon, Jupiter and Venus alignment in front of the »Embracing Peace« statue, which represents the famous kiss between the sailor and the nurse in New York to celebrate the end of the Second World War. I darkened the scene and left only the statue and the conjunction in evidence, as in some portraits by Elliot Erwitt, to force the eye to concentrate on the emotional state represented in the scene: the planetary alignment watches placidly over the kiss which is a sign of hope and of peace especially in this period in which Europe has war on its borders.

Shooting data: Nikon Z9, Nikon S 24-70/2.8 @70mm
Sum of two shots, the sky: f/4, 4 seconds, 320 ISO
The sky: f/16, 1.6 Seconds, 64 ISO. Processing with Photoshop, study of the scene with Photopills.
The statue is nine meters high and is located on the seafront of Civitavecchia (Rome).

Daten zum Bild

E-Mail meniero@gmail.com
Zeitpunkt 23.02.2023 00:00
KameraNikon Z9
Teleskop/Objektiv Nikon 24-70/2.8
Komplettes Bild anzeigen
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