Leserbilder Astronomie: NGC 1435 - Merope Nebula
Reduction, two-star manual registration/alignment, average-combine, colour balance for QE with adjustment for atmospheric extinction, Sigmoid non-linear stretch (3x), background normalization, RGB combine, levels/curves, saturation, luminance layering, slight unsharp masking, despeckle, 16- to 8-bit conversion
Further details etc at http://www.perseus.gr/Astro-DSO-NGC-1435.htm
Daten zum Bild
anthony@perseus.gr | |
Objekt | NGC 1435 - Merope Nebula |
Ort | Athens, Greece |
Zeitpunkt | 20.09.2007 01:20 |
Kamera | SBIG ST-2000XM, SBIG CFW10, SBIG LRGB + IR-block |
Teleskop/Objektiv | AP 160 f/7.5 StarFire EDF with AP 0.75x 27TVPH reducer |
Belichtungszeit | LRGB @ 60:60:60:60 |
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