Leserbilder Astronomie: NGC 1499: California nebula
The California nebula (NGC 1499) is an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus. Its name comes from its resemblance to the outline of the US state of California. 2 panels mosaic
Askar Fra500 F3.85 (346 mm)
ZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC + iOptron GEM45
ZWO AsiAir Plus
nov-dec 2024
Optolong L-Ultimate (Ha-O3) 3nm: 91X600”
Altair Dual Band (SII-O3) 6 nm: 95X600”
UvIr cut (stars color): 86X30”
Tot: 31h 43’
Modena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
Daten zum Bild
Objekt | NGC 1499: California nebula |
Ort | Modena (Sqm 18.4-18.8 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy |
Zeitpunkt | 03.12.2024 23:00 MEZ |
Kamera | ZWO ASI 2600 DUO MC |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Askar Fra500 F3.85 (346 mm) |
Montierung | iOptron GEM45 |
Belichtungszeit | Optolong L-Ultimate (H-alpha-O3) 3nm: 91 x 600s Altair Dual Band (SII-O3) 6 nm: 95 x 600s UvIr cut (stars color): 86 x 30s Tot: 31h 43m |
Nachbearbeitung | APP, PI, PS |
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