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Leserbilder Astronomie: NGC 1977: Running Man nebula

This emission and reflection nebula is part of the Orion molecular nebula complex: it is located in the sword of Orion, just north of the more famous M42. NGC 1977 is also known as the »Running Man Nebula«, due to the darker-reddish formation in the center of the nebula which resembles a sort of man running from right to left. The bluish parts of this nebula are gases illuminated by nearby blue stars, in particular by the blue star 42 Orionis.

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E-Mail andrea.arbizzi@gmail.com
Anschrift Modena (Sqm 18.3-18.9 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
ObjektNGC 1977
OrtModena (Sqm 18.3-18.9 Bortle 7,5-8), Italy
Zeitpunkt 14.01.2024 02:00 MEZ
KameraZWO ASI 533MC Pro
Teleskop/Objektiv C8 HD Edge F7,3 (1472 mm)
Montierung iOptron GEM45
Belichtungszeitoct 2023 SVBony SV220: 48X600” jan 2024 Astronomik L3: 283X240” Tot: 26h 52’
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