Leserbilder Astronomie: NGC 6188 - The Dragons
(Vincent Cheng, Roberto Colombari, Oliver Czernetz)
Collaboration between Vincent Cheng (Hong Kong), Roberto Colombari (Belo Horizonte, Brasil), Oliver Czernetz (Leibnitz, Austria). Thanks a LOT to Vincent & Roberto for the excellent Data!
Total Exposure:
H-alpha: 615 Minutes
OIII: 100 Minutes
SII: 105 Minutes
Vincent Cheng:
Camera: SBIG STF-8300M (cooled at-10C)
Telescope/Lens: Takahashi FSQ-85ED with 0.73x reducer (327 mm, f/3,8 )
Filter: Astrodon H-alpha, SII, OIII
Tracking Mount: iOptron ZEQ-25
Autoguide: SBIG OAG with ST-i set
Total Exposure Time: H-alpha 20 m, SII 45 m, OIII 40 m
Roberto Colombari:
H-alpha from Belo Horizonte with Takahashi FS60c and SBIG8300: 41x 900 s
Oliver Czernetz:
Takahashi FSQ ED and SBIG STL-11000M:
OIII: 12x300s
SII: 12x300s
Taken from Siding Spring Observatory - Australia
Image Processing: Oliver Czernetz, Software: Fits Liberator, Registar, Fitswork, Photoshop CS5E
Daten zum Bild
oliver.czernetz@gmail.com | |
Objekt | NGC 6188 |
Ort | Siding Springs Observatory, Australia; Belo Horizonte, Brasil |
Zeitpunkt | 30.06.2014 00:00 MESZ |
Kamera | SBIG STF-8300M, SBIG STL-11000M |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Takahashi FSQ106ED, FSQ-85ED, FS60c |
Montierung | Optron ZEQ-25 |
Belichtungszeit | Ha: 615 Minutes, OIII: 100 Minutes, SII: 105 Minutes |
Nachbearbeitung | Fits Liberator, Registar, Fitswork, Photoshop CS5E |
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