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Leserbilder Astronomie: NGC 6888: The Crescent Nebula

I share with you the re-elaboration of NGC6888 (Crescent Nebula), the first shot taken with the new L-extreme filter (in the image the red color identifies hydrogen, while the blue identifies oxygen). It is an emission nebula, which may resemble a human brain, which is about 4700 light years from our solar system and can be identified in the constellation Cygnus. The name derives from its "hump" which appears in the west like the Moon observable in the waxing phase. It owes its shape (bubble) and brightness to the stellar wind generated by the Wolf-Rayet star located inside it.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektNGC 6888
OrtTaranto, Italy
Zeitpunkt 20.06.2023 00:00 MESZ
KameraOmegon vetec 533 c
Teleskop/Objektiv Skywatcher 150/750
Montierung Heq5 pro
Belichtungszeit108 x 300 seconds
NachbearbeitungSiril, Pixinsight, Photoshop
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