Leserbilder Astronomie: Sharpless nebulosity
Open cluster NGC 6604 with red nebulosity Sharpless 2-54 (top) and diffuse nebula LBN 70 (centre) in Serpens. DATA: TOA 130/1000 reduced to 750 f/5.8 on IOptron HAE69, Nikon ZF modded , 68 shots of 30”, 1600Iso. Taken on July 5th at the Star Party of the Galileo Galilei APS Amateur Astronomers Group, Italy. From Monteromano, North of Rome.
Daten zum Bild
Objekt | Sharpless 2-54 and diffuse nebula LBN 70 |
Ort | Monteromano, Viterbo, Italy |
Zeitpunkt | 05.07.2024 00:00 UT |
Kamera | Nikon ZF modded |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Toa 130/1000 |
Montierung | IOptron HAE 69 |
Nachbearbeitung | Photoshop Pixinsight |
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