Leserbilder Astronomie: Sun Eclipse and the Imperator Traiano
The statue of the Roman Imperator Marco Ulpio Traiano, founder of the city of Civitavecchia who died 1900 years ago.
Photo is taken with a Nikon Z9 and a Nikon 300mm f / 2.8 VR 1, 32 ISO, spot exposure. I did not use filters, The clouds filtered the sunlight. They are all double exposures (one for the Sun and one for the ground)
Daten zum Bild
meniero@gmail.com | |
Anschrift | |
Ort | Civitavecchia, Italy |
Zeitpunkt | 25.10.2022 00:00 |
Kamera | Nikon Z9 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Nikon 300/2.8 Vr |
Nachbearbeitung | I did not use filters, The clouds filtered the sunlight. They are all double exposures (one for the Sun and one for the ground) |
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