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Leserbilder Astronomie: The moon and the milky way

The image is from July 5, 2023, and is the union of 7 vertical shots merged to create an overview. The place taken is the sea in front of the Plemmirio coast in Syracuse, a place with little light pollution where it was possible to capture the Milky Way and at the same time the rising of the Moon, which was at 91% brightness. I used a Nikon D750 SLR (with modification for astrophotography) and a Zeiss 18 mm Distagon f/3.5 lens.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektThe moon and the milky way
Zeitpunkt 05.07.2023 22:48 MEZ
KameraNikon D750 (astro-mod)
Teleskop/Objektiv Lens: Zeiss 18mm f/3,5
Montierung tripod
Belichtungszeit8" - ISO 5000 - f/3,5
NachbearbeitungPhotoshop CC 2024
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