Leserbilder Astronomie: The Seven Sisters and California
California Nebula (NGC 1499) and Pleiades (M 45) framed in the same field with an 85 mm on full frame. The California Nebula is an emission nebula rich in hydrogen which determines its typically red color. The open cluster of the Pleiades instead presents a reflective type of nebulosity around its main stars. Its light blue color is due precisely to the color of the stars.
Daten zum Bild
Objekt | M45 and NGC1499 |
Ort | Ispica (RG) |
Zeitpunkt | 01.11.2024 00:30 MEZ |
Kamera | Nikon D750 (astro-mod) |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Lens: Samyang 85mm f/1,4 |
Montierung | tripod - astro tracker |
Belichtungszeit | 80X20" - ISO 500 f/2,8 |
Nachbearbeitung | DSS – PixInsight – Photoshop |
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