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Leserbilder Astronomie: The sunset of the Moon and its lower mirage. Sampieri (Sicily- Italy) - June 15, 2024

Sequence of 12 shots that capture the sunset of the Moon with its lower mirage. From the Pisciotto district in Sampieri (a hamlet of Sicicly) I captured the sunset of the Moon on the sea of ​​the Strait of Sicily. It is possible to notice how on the horizon, due to the thermal inversion and the different density of the air, an inferior mirage was generated that reflects a small part of the Moon just above the horizon.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektMoon sunset
OrtFrom the Pisciotto district in Sampieri (a hamlet of Scicli) - Sicily (Italy)
Zeitpunkt 15.06.2024 01:30 MEZ
KameraNikon Z6 II
Teleskop/Objektiv Lens: Tamron 150-600 G2
Montierung tripod
BelichtungszeitISO 800 - f/7.1 - 05"
NachbearbeitungPhotoshop CC 2024
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