Leserbilder Astronomie: Venus and Jupiter green flash
Faint green rays on the planets Venus and Jupiter in broad conjunction at sunset over the sea. The scene was taken with the following data: Nikon Z9 with Nikon 300/2.8VR at f/3.2, ISO 10000 and time of 0.8 Seconds; with this setting the whole scene came out including Jupiter with the green/red edges, but the greenflash didn't come on Venus, therefore I glued Venus with the green/red coloring taken with the same shooting burst but with the setting: f /4, time equal to 1/40, 2500 ISO. Processing Photoshop and Topaz Denoise A
Daten zum Bild
meniero@gmail.com | |
Sonnensystem | Venere |
Ort | Civitavecchia |
Zeitpunkt | 04.03.2023 00:00 |
Kamera | Nikon Z9 |
Nachbearbeitung | Photoshop and Topaz denoise |
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