Leserbilder Astronomie: Venus near its inferior and superior conjunctions
Venus in conjunction with the Sun, next to two Italian Churches and in daytime. Single snaps without any telescope. The little crescent shape you can see here isn’t the Moon, it’s Venus as observed in daytime. Venus in fact is so bright that you can see it in daylight - if you know where to find it - and often even when it is nearest to the Sun, with the right precautions. The bottom photo in fact was snapped near noon on January 8, 2022, only a few hours after Venus' inferior conjunction of 2022. The planet was almost exactly between the Sun and the Earth and only 5 degrees away from the solar disk. I was able to detect it through a binocular and photograph it by hiding the Sun behind the globe placed atop the Church of Santa Maria del Buon Consiglio in Naples, Italy ( here visible on the left).
The top photo was snapped near noon on September 18, 2022, about 1 month before Venus' superior conjunction that occours on 22 October 2022. Due to the clear sky, the planet was visible to the naked eye, even if it was 9 degrees from the solar disk only. I was able to photograph it by hiding the Sun behind the roof of the Basilica of St. Paulus in Rome, ( here visible on the right). The mosaic shows the different sizes and shapes of the planet in these two points of its orbit as it appears from the Earth. In January Venus' size was about 60,1'', that is six times bigger than in September, when its diameter was about 9,86'' ( only about 0,15'' more than its superior conjunction of this October).
Daten zum Bild
paojut@gmail.com | |
Objekt | Venus |
Ort | Naples and Rome |
Zeitpunkt | 18.09.2022 12:00 MESZ |
Kamera | Nikon 42x camera; Coolpix 510; 4.3; 180mm 1:3-5.9. |
Belichtungszeit | Naples: ISO 100 and 1/1250s Rome: ISO 200 and 1/1000s |
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