Die Gehirn&Geist-Infografik: Radeln für Gehirn und Geist!

Bos, I. et al.: No Exercise-Induced Increase in Serum BDNF after Cycling Near a Major Traffic Road.In: Neuroscience Letters 500, S. 129 – 132, 2011
Bundesministerium für Verkehr: Der Radverkehr in Zahlen. Innovation und Technologie, Wien 2010
Fritz, K. M., O'Connor, P. J.: Acute Exercise Improves Mood and Motivation in Young Men with ADHD Symptoms.In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 48, S. 1153 – 1160, 2016
Gamle, T., Walker, I.: Wearing a Bicycle Helmet Can Increase Risk Taking and Sensation Seeking in Adults.In: Psychological Science 27, S. 289 – 294, 2016
Meston, C. M., Gorzalka, B. B.: The Effects of Immediate, Delayed, and Residual Sympathetic Activation on Sexual Arousal in Women.In: Behavior Research and Therapy 34, S. 143 – 148, 1996
Nanda, B. et al.: The Acute Effects of a Single Bout of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adult Males.In: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 7, S. 1883 – 1885, 2013
Walker, I.: Drivers Overtaking Bicyclists: Objective Data on the Effects of Riding Position, Helmet Use, Vehicle Type and Apparent gender.In: Accident, Analysis and Prevention 39, S. 417 – 425, 2007
Wegner, M. et al.: Effects of Exercise on Anxiety and Depression Disorders: Review of Meta- Analyses and Neurobiological Mechanisms.In: CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets 13, S. 1002 – 1014, 2014
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