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Leserbilder Astronomie: NEOWISE farewell

NEOWISE farewell

Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) imaged on September 14th, 2020. With a brightness at magnitude 10 still shows a degree long dust tail, a somewhat unusual tail in morphology that does not appear to leave from center of the coma and with a long central spine; on the side opposite to its coma a weak anti-tail also seems to be noted. The comet is receding and will soon not be observable for several months due to low elongation, so is probably this be my last image of this comet that gave us some joy in the dark days of this fateful year.

Daten zum Bild

OrtSiding Spring, Australia
Zeitpunkt 14.09.2020 09:19 UT
KameraFLI PL09000
Teleskop/Objektiv Planewave 20" CDK f/4.5
Belichtungszeit8 min. (L = 1 x 300 bin1 + RGB = 1 x 60 bin2)
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