Leserbilder Astronomie: Star trail above the Castle

© Marco Meniero
Motion of the stars on the Rocca di Tolfa (RM). In the original startrail, the traces of the aircraft lining up on the approach paths of runway 16R/L at Leonardo da Vinci Internationa Airport (Rome, Italy) were visible. I cleaned all the individual files from the aircraft lights. Fusion of 270 shots of 20 seconds each with Sigma Art 85/1.4 stopped at f/4.5, 400Iso, Nikon Z9. 12, October, 2023.
Daten zum Bild
meniero@gmail.com | |
Ort | Civitavecchia |
Zeitpunkt | 12.10.2023 00:00 MESZ |
Kamera | Nikon Z9 |
Teleskop/Objektiv | Sigma 85/1.4 at /4.5 |
Belichtungszeit | 20" each shot for 90 minutes |
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